Ambassador Patrick Duddy, Duke University
Venezuela 2018: Portrait of a Failing State
Ambassador Wendy Sherman, Former Undersecretary of State and Chief US Negotiator, Iran Nuclear Deal
Not for the Faint of Heart: Lessons in Courage, Power and Persistence
Dr. Charles Kimball, Presidential Professor and Chair of Religious Studies, University of Oklahoma
The Explosive Mix of Religion and Politics in the Middle East: What in the World is Going on…and Why?
Robert H. Donaldson, Trustees Professor of Political Science Emeritus, University of Tulsa
U.S.-Russian Relations: the Helsinki Summit and Beyond
Tom Nichols, Professor of National Security Affairs, U.S. Naval War College
Can America survive an era of ignorance? Its Crippling Effect on our Foreign Policy
Dr. Joshua Busby, University of Texas
Weird Weather and a Warming World: The Climate Change Imperative
Dr. Ted Bromund, Senior Research Fellow, The Heritage Foundation
Brexit—Its Past, Present and Future
Steven Hill, Legal Adviser to the Secretary-General of NATO
NATO at 70: Current and Future Missions for the Alliance
James M. Lindsay, Senior Vice President, Council on Foreign Relations
America Alone: The Consequences of America First
Stephen M. Walt, Professor of International Affairs, Kennedy School, Harvard University
The Hell of Good Intentions: America’s Foreign Policy Elite and the Decline of U.S. Primacy
Dr. James Hollifield, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Tower Center, Southern Methodist University
Back to the Future: Trump’s Migration Policies and the New Nativism