2023 – 2024

September 11, 2023

Ali Wyne, Eurasian Group
Managing China and Russia; How the U.S. Can Compete with Quiet Confidence

October 11, 2023

Dr. Randy Kluver, Oklahoma State University
Southeast Asia’s Challenges and Future

November 8, 2023

Dr. Joshua W. Busby, University of Texas
Climate and Security: Lessons from Two Years of Public Service in the Biden Administration

December 4, 2023

Dr. Thomas E. Graham, Council on Foreign Relations
Imagining Future US-Russia Relations

January 16, 2024 – CANCELED

Dr. Steven A. Cook, Council on Foreign Relations
Turkey at 100: Domestic Political Change and Geopolitical Ambitions of a Middle Power

February 8, 2024

Edurne Pineda, Consul of Mexico in Oklahoma City
Issues in US-Mexican Relations: Trade, Immigration, and Border Security

March 6, 2024

Jed Willard, FDR Foundation
NATOS’s Newest Members: The Historical Background

March 27, 2024

Dr. Jeffery Engel, Southern Methodist University
Seeking Monsters to Destroy: How Americans Go to War from Washington to Biden and Beyond

April 30, 2024

Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt, American Enterprise Institute
Demography and Geopolitics: World Population Outlook and its Strategic Implications

May 20, 2024

Dr. Robert Sutter, George Washington University
America’s Enduring Hardening Against China: Status, Outlook, and Implications

June 3, 2024

Scott A. Snyder, President & CEO, Korea Economic Institute of America (KEI)
The U.S.-Korea Alliance: Why It May Fail and Why It Must Not